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Hello, Jennifer
Unlock Exponential Growth with your Consistent Learning
Today :
10 Sep, 2022
Fly High
Phase 1 Targets
Acheive 10,000 points by November 06, 2022
Complete 5 weekly goals by November 06, 2022
Target 1
Get points with every learning/practice/exam unit
Total Points Earned
Target 2
Get points with every learning/practice/exam unit
3/5 Weeks
Weeks Completed
Daily Goal
11Hrs Left
Get points with every learning/practice/exam unit
No. of daily goal Reached- 19 Days
Weekly Goal
3/5 days
This Week
Points Earned this week -
Weekly learning

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fly High Challenge?

  • The Fly High Challenge is designed to unlock your exponential growth with Consistent Learning.
    The challenge consists of 2 phases followed by a Grand Finale.
  • Phase I: Sep 12 - Nov 6 (8 weeks)
  • Phase II: Nov 14 - Jan 8 (8 weeks)
  • Grand Finale: To be Announced

How to participate in the Fly High Challenge?

  • The registrations for the Fly High Challenge are closed on September 10th, 2022.
    Registration Link:
    If you've already registered for the challenge, you can start learning consistently by completing your daily learning schedules.

What are Daily Goals and Weekly Goals?

  • Your daily goal consists of completing the classes that are unlocked every day as per your IDP. You need to gain 200 points every day to finish your daily goal and achieve your daily goal at least 4 times in a given week to achieve the weekly goal.

      How do I get points?

      You just need to spend time learning on the Advanced Learning Portal to gain points. There are specific points allotted to every section.

      How are points calculated?

        • For every session, assignment, practice set, etc., you complete, you get certain points according to the respective weightage.
        • The formula for calculating the points = (Time(Minutes) allotted for training element) * 5 * (weightage)
        • The weightage criteria for the different modules are as follows:-
          Coding Question - 2
          MCQs - 1.5
          Video Sessions/Cheatsheet - 1
          For example, When you finish a coding practice with an allotted time of 60 minutes, you will get 600 points according to the formula.(60) * (5)* (2) = 600

        How many points should I score in a week?

        You need to achieve your daily goal at least 4 times in a given week to achieve your weekly goal.

        Can I score all the points required for selection in Phase I in a single week and go to Phase II?

        • To successfully complete Phase I, you need to
        • Reach your Weekly Goal for at least 5 weeks out of the 8 weeks.
        • Score 10,000 points in the 8 weeks.

        Will I get points for revising sessions?

        Revising will help you build strong conceptual knowledge. However, there won't be any points for revision sessions.

        I have "Practice Day" today. How can I complete my daily goal? Will it affect my weekly goal?

        Practice Days give you time to practice and help you gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts you've learned. Considering these practice days, we have set the target of achieving 4 daily goals to complete your weekly goal. You can accommodate Practice Days in the remaining 3 days.

        How will you select 25 winners in the Grand Finale?

        All the students who complete both Phase I & II will enter the Grand Finale. The criteria to win the Grand finale will be announced after the completion of Phase I & II.

        Do other participants apart from the 25 winners of the Grand Finale get benefits?

          • Every student who completes Phase I will receive guaranteed benefits.
          • Students who complete Phase I will unlock exclusive access to 4.0 Tribe, an elite tech community with masterclasses by the tech titans, advanced tech projects with special certificates, a dedicated platform, student clubs, and much more.
          • Student who completes Phase II will stand a chance to unlock ₹2 Crore worth of exciting benefits and enter the Fly High Grand Finale.

          I have paused my learning due to exams. How can I enter Phase II?

          The Fly High Challenge is designed considering that you may have exams during the challenge. That's why the criterion for completing weekly goals is only 5 times out of 8 weeks in Phase I. So even if you have exams for 3 weeks during Phase I, you can still make it to Phase II.

          I may have my end-semester exams in November. Can I start Phase II with some delay?

          • Based on all such requests from CCBPians, you'll be communicated with any changes to the guidelines for Phase II.